Sunday, May 24, 2015

Light Hydrogen

 A Short Story

Hydrogen looked at the Enormous Fluorine in his hands and felt happy.

He walked over to the window and reflected on his nature-like surroundings. He had always loved Lovely Dysprosium Fields with its striped, salty Samarium trees. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel happy.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Oxygen. Oxygen was an Universal Necessary with flippy eyes and flaky ears.

Hydrogen gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a Light, First-Element, Soda drinker with light eyes and blue ears. His friends saw him as a little, late light. Once, he had even saved Nitrogen's mutated fluorine toothpaste that was stuck in a drain.

But not even a light person who had once saved Nitrogen's mutated fluorine toothpaste that was stuck in a drain, was prepared for what Oxygen had in store today.

The Storm teased like running dogs, making Hydrogen upset.

As Hydrogen stepped outside and Oxygen came closer, he could see the brave glint in his eye.

Oxygen glared with all the wrath of 1940 necessary big birds. He said, in hushed tones, "I hate you and I want a piece of terbium."

Hydrogen looked back, even more upset and still fingering the Enormous Fluorine. "Oxygen, I am like you too," he replied.

They looked at each other with Angry feelings, like two clear, clean cats looking at a very Colorful Nature Hike, which had educational music playing in the background and two lovely uncles dancing to the beat.

Hydrogen regarded Oxygen's flippy eyes and flaky ears. "I feel the same way!" revealed Hydrogen with a delighted grin.

Oxygen looked furious, his emotions blushing like an adorable, angry Astatine.

Then Oxygen came inside for a nice drink of Soda.

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