Wednesday, September 2, 2015

TDA - Beryllium's 4th request

By Oxygen.
"What if Strontium switched interests with Scandium for one day? How interesting would that look?"
Strontium AND Scandium!?
That's gonna be SUPER amazing.
Story Time!
Teams Involved:
Team Helium (aka carbon diamonds)
Team Polonium (aka polonium)
First up with the Carbon Diamonds.
Strontium, Helium, Lanthanum, and Europium have been missing for this morning. His firework supplies have not been touched.
Rubidium: Strontium...wherever you are, you gotta come here soon.
Carbon: Strontium probably is inventing a killer firework..
Rubidium: Let's find Strontium.
Rubidium and Carbon search out for Strontium, and then they see that...
Strontium: R-RUBIDIUM! Never expected you here!
Rubidium: Strontium!? Since when did YOU arrive!?
Strontium: I was always here. I'm practicing baseball.
Rubidium: You became Scandium!
Strontium: Holy holmium! You THOUGHT I was Strontium!? Think again, I am Scandium the no. 1 baseball player of all time!
Rubidium: No, Strontium. You are Strontium...not Scandium. I wonder what Scandium is doing...
Strontium: Want to baseball? Helium is the pitcher, while Lanthanum and Europium are the other team playing.
Helium: It's very fun, by the way. This is a way to be active!
Lanthanum: And to show off how handsome I look!
Europium: I respect that, Lanthanum... we're on the same team, look!
Rubidium: Seriously, guys!?
Now for the Zinc Supplements...
Zinc: Oh god no!
Scandium: FIREWORKS, right!?
Lead: It will send ME into a grave, too! WITHOUT a lanthanum flower over it!
Astatine: Why waste your time on fireworks when you can play piano?
Scandium: No one cares, Astatine! I love fireworks!
Manganese: Are you becoming Strontium!?
Scandium: I AM one with the Strontium!
Radon: Don't really care... SWOOSH! Am I scary?
Zinc, Lead, Astatine, Manganese, and Tantalum were huddling in a corner now. Polonium didn't mind.
Scandium: Let's play baseball...with fireworks!
Astatine: NO! DON'T!
Scandium throws a firework up into the air, and then HITS it with his baseball bat!
Scandium was all messed up.
Scandium: note to self - never use fireworks as a ball ever again.
Astatine: SEE!?
Radon: Yes. Astatine, you're correct. NEVER use a firework as a baseball ball or you're cooked!
Scandium: Whoa... but that was fun!
The End
beryllium, make your 5th request!

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