Thursday, October 15, 2015

Even more randomness...

Poland and Japan are in an airplane, above the Canadian border.
Poland: Ok... So all I have to do is jump out of this plane and attack them, right?
Japan: That's right. Put on your parachute now.
Poland: Don't be silly! There's plenty of snow on the ground. It'll break my fall because it's soft.
Japan: What? I don't think that's right!
Poland: I'm Canadian! I know everything about snow. Well, see you around!
Poland jumps out of the plane.
Poland: Prussia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prussia was reading a newspaper, while Romano was doing some needlework.
Prussia: Hey, see this? It says here Poland broke his back jumping from a plane without a parachute.
Romano: Hm... Oh yeah? HEY! Why don't you go surrender to the maid or invent some new cheese?! Why are you here?!
Prussia: Because. I like to mess with your needlework.
Poland: Here I am, yay!
Estonia: Welcome home Mr. Poland! I heard that you had very important meeting today. You must be tired now. Everyone one was there today, right? Did Spain say anything stupid?
Switzerland: Hey, word of advice, friend. Never mention Spain to Poland, it makes him mad! Ah ha ha! We've prepared cold cabbage stew soup, with a nice vodka dipping sauce! He he!
Sweden: I'm glad you're home! I hope that everyone treated you well! We were taking bets on whether or not you'd be called a drunk or if they'd bring up Lake Placid on a Miracle on Ice!
Estonia and Switzerland: That hasn't happened yet!
Switzerland: Well, I'm going to leave the room! [exits]
Estonia: Curse his brilliance, it's allowed him to slip away again!
Poland is at the coat rack, while Sweden was behind him.
Poland: Hey, do you know where the coat I left hanging here went to?
Sweden: I moved it, sir. I knew we couldn't leave such a valued museum piece hanging around. The pure absurdity of that stupid coat would be studied for insight into your history. From the early days of overbearing Czars and opulence. Your currents in like minimalism, fraternity and sheer force of power.
Poland: Bad choice. I like to wear that absurd coat almost every day of the week.
Sweden: WHAT?! I'm sorry, I didn't know you still wore it!
Estonia: [to Sweden; fearfully] Oh... Shut up!
Sweden: What I really meant, Mr. Poland, is that I think it's a great sacrifice for you to share your history. These days too many kids know nothing of the old ways your coat represents. And, see, clothes are for insight into the past.
Poland: I just bought that coat last week.
Russia puts his hand on Sweden, applying some pressure.
Poland: I was wondering what makes you such a itty-bitty guy, Mr. Sweden.
Sweden: Well, it could be because of you. I mean because of your hand. Every time you see me you crush my cervical vertebrae a bunch. Perhaps if you weren't so affectionate, the blood could continue to flow to my brain when you're around.
Poland looks at Sweden with a close-eyed smile. Sweden looks back at Poland with a fearful expression, wondering what Poland is thinking.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, a kettle was steaming. Switzerland was in the kitchen.
Poland was holding Sweden by the head and the foot.
Poland: Stretch! (laughs) Stretch!
Switzerland: Wow. Would you look at the time?
Sweden, Switzerland, and Estonia were chatting.
Estonia: Man, what's up with the constant diary of the mouth, Sweden? You want to go to the guilloche?
Sweden: I can't take all this pressure! Why don't we switch sides and go live with America?
Estonia: What?! Have you gone crazy?! Do you think America is better than Russia???
Switzerland: I think I'm gonna have to go in alone for a while and see if that's any better.
Sweden: NO! I'm scared of him and I don't want to be alone! It feels so safe in his hairy arms!
Switzerland: You should really try keeping your mouth more closed.
Estonia: Let's ignore our pain. And food is the surest path to blissful procrastination. I'm thinking about making Cepelinai.
Sweden: But I want some Putra.
Switzerland: I'll just have a snack, maybe some Piirakka.
The three are now in the dining room, now eating.
Estonia: We're really very different, aren't we?
Sweden: It's not just our food, it's like we're different races.
Switzerland: It gets little old being lumped together.
Romano was in front of a large, wooden crate. Romano pulls a small pint of ice cream out of the crate while he had a partially eaten banana in his other hand.
Romano: Hey, Spain! There's some pints of ice cream in this care package. I won't touch the stuff but I thought you might like it.
Spain looks behind Romano, and then turns around.
Spain: Whoa, ice cream?! Hetalia! I'm totally coming over there to hug you!
Spain slips on a banana peel.
Spain: ICE CREAM!!!!!!!
Spain lands on his face. Blood comes out of his face.
Spain: Ouch!
The scene cuts to a hospital. Spain is in bed with a broken foot and bandages in his hand. Romano was next to him. Spain has one of the pints of ice cream now, and then moves a spoonful of it to his mouth.
Estonia: I'm Estonia.
Switzerland: I'm Switzerland.
Sweden: I'm Sweden.
Estonia: I'm Estonia.
Switzerland: I'm Switzerland.
Sweden: I'm Sweden.
Estonia, Switzerland and Sweden: Together, we're the nervous trembling trio.
Sorry if there's no Kenya X Swaziland in this.

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