Saturday, September 26, 2015

TDA - Yet MORE hilariousness!!!

By Oxygen.
This is about the two teams, Team 6 and 13, being in First Class in the Jumbo Jet from TDWT. This is all fanmade. Niobium is the main character in this.
Niobium: (sigh) He looks so good. Doesn't he look good?
Germanium: He looks great. I'm so happy. For you, happy for you!
Niobium: Don't get me wrong. He's not perfect. I made a little list of the things that need to change. But, once I change these 47 things about him, he will be perfect.
Niobium pulls up a huge paper of the 47 things that need to change about Potassium, shocking Germanium.
Niobium: Can you imagine if you, me, and Potassium end up in the final 3?
Germanium: That'd be crazy!
Niobium: Just you, me, and my boyfriend? What would you think Hahnium would do to turn us against each other?
Germanium: Oh, let's not guess! I'd rather it be a surprise.
Later on, during the challenge, Teams 2 and 13 are in a tiebreaker. Osmium and Magnesium were the two representatives of their respective teams.
Hydrogen: He's like an angel.
Helium: Those costumes are not authent-
Hydrogen: No one cares!
Bismuth: This is going to be a close one!
Nobelium: Yes, too close. Someone needs a distraction to slow them down.
Nobelium walks to Magnesium.
Nobelium: Time to pay back that favor. Please tell Niobium what you know about Hafnium and Potassium.
Niobium gasps, and looks angrily at Hafnium.
Hahnium had a bow and arrow, with a burning marshmallow.
Hahnium: On your marks!
Nobelium: Now.
Hafnium looked afraid.
Magnesium: That's a load off...
Nobelium: He said he saw.
Hahnium: Get set!
NIOBIUM: HOW COULD YOU! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIEND...ISH! I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hydrogen was holding back a pissed off Niobium.
Hahnium: GO!
Hydrogen: Fly, Osmium, fly!
Angry Niobium: Osmium, stay where you are.
Hydrogen: But we'll lose!
Niobium stared at Hafnium.
Hydrogen: Oh. Osmium, stay where you are!
Berkelium: She's got my vote.
Hydrogen: Agreed.
Osmium decides to fly, still.
Soon, their wings start to fall.
Helium: Their wings are molting!
Bismuth: Maybe it's seasonal?
Hafnium: Come on, Osmium?
Magnesium and Osmium were still flying. Magnesium NEARLY got the medal, but then he falls. Osmium grabs the medal with his teeth, and then falls on top of Magnesium.
Hahnium: The Pens win! And the last place people get to head to the elimination room for the second time.
Vanadium, Rutherfordium, Phosphorus, Protactinium, Wolfram/Tungsten, Potassium, and Arsenic's team are the losers. It turns out Magnesium gets eliminated the next episode. At the episode after that... at the elimination ceremony, the votes were being revealed.
Hahnium: Okay. One vote for Niobium, one for Hafnium. A second for Niobium, a second for Hafnium. And the last vote is for... Hydrogen! It's a tie!
Hafnium loses the tiebreaker, and then...
Niobium: YES! I win!
Hahnium: Hafnium, 11 o'clock. Exit's right behind you.
Hafnium: Thanks. SUCK IT NIOBIUM, IN YOUR...
Hafnium gets shoved off a plane.
Hafnium: FACE!!!
Niobium was looking happy.
Niobium: Yes!
And yes, Zirconium saw ALL of that. Now Zirconium HATES Niobium.

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