Wednesday, August 26, 2015

TDA - Rutherfordium's Request

By Oxygen.
"What if Zirconium and Hafnium switched teams?"
Interesting question...the two look alikes.
Zirconium probably will have to suffer Cesium's K-Pop singing, and how "average" Berkelium is. (Berkelium has a very abnormal science interest.) Zirconium will miss Platinum, coin collector. Zirconium will have to suffer Einsteinium's genius, Hydrogen's not-so-awesomeness, Osmium... yeah. Zirconium probably will cry in this team. Zirconium probably won't get a diamond in here. Zirconium will probably have the worst time in her life on this team. Unless Berkelium knows how to make diamonds, Zirconium is DOOMED.

Hafnium will have to experience Molybdenum smashing stuff, Platinum trying to lure Hafnium to collecting coins with him. Hafnium will hate it. (Zirconium is the bright one, not Hafnium.) Zirconium is gonna be missed... and welcome, Hafnium. Silicon always uses his phone and laptop and shoots insults. Hafnium is known as "the loner." Wow, even worse is that Hafnium will have to experience Americium wandering everywhere. She'd probably only like Radium. Mendelevium will be ANNOYING by pretending to be Mendeleev.

Hahnium: SILICON CHIPS! Since you were the ultimate's clear who's going home tonight!
Zirconium was sobbing. Everyone was still angry at her, even Platinum.
Zirconium: I just wanted that diamond!
Platinum: We go coin collecting together though! Doesn't THAT count!?
Zirconium: Yeah, but I want a diamond too!
Platinum: ...idiot...
Zirconium: (sobs) Am I...
Silicon: Goodbye, Zirconium...
Hahnium: The gilded Hahnium awards are going to... Platinum, Silicon, Mendelevium, Americium, Radium, Molybdenum, Technetium.
Zirconium: Does that mean...
Hahnium: But, is Zirconium eliminated? No!
Silicon: YOU'RE NOT ELIMINATING THAT IDIOT!? But Hahnium, Zirconium got the most votes!
Hahnium: Zirconium is still in the game...only on a different team! Welcome to the Osmium Pens, Zirconium!
Silicon: No! We've lost our only girl, Zirconium!
Molybdenum: WHAT ABOUT ME, LOSER!?
Molybdenum beats Silicon up. Zirconium walks to the Osmium Pens.
Zirconium: I'm on Hafnium's team now! YES!
Hafnium: UH OH.
Berkelium: Hello, Zirconium. Want to know about how interested I am about science?
Zirconium: No, Berkeley girl!
Berkelium: I am a Berkeley girl. I was named after the place I was born in.

Hafnium: You were born in Berkeley?
Berkelium: Yes.
Osmium: Zirconium, isn't it great?
Zirconium: Osmium...
Hydrogen: GREAT! New team member...
Hahnium: AHEM! Anyways, since the teams are lopsided now... Hafnium, you're on the Silicon Chips now!
Zirconium: Hafnium! NO!
Hafnium walks to the Silicon Chips.
Silicon: Welcome, new girl!
Hafnium: Hello, Silicon...
Silicon: So, you want to be introduced to technology?
Hafnium: I'm pretty sure everyone's annoyed.
The next day... on the Osmium Pens...
Zirconium: Being on Osmium's team isn't that bad...
Einsteinium: EMC equals squared.
Zirconium: NOOOOOOO! I miss Hafnium!
Berkelium: Don't worry... let's go to the beach and watch surfers like Californium...
Zirconium: Going to the BEACH!? I have never went to the beach before! I'm too poor to go to a beach!
Berkelium: You're glad you're with me. Platinum never made you...
Zirconium: I'm scared... Being on a new team...
Einsteinium: You'll now live with a genius.
Zirconium: HAHNIUM'S IDEA SUCKS! I kind of liked being dissed by a laptop user...
Einsteinium: You got used to it.
Hydrogen: Welcome Zirconium! You get to have me too!
Cesium: K-POP TIME!
Zirconium: AW, NO!
The next moment, Zirconium and Berkelium were on the beach.
Zirconium: Isn't it beautiful?
Berkelium: Yes, it is. Look, it's Californium!
Zirconium: Californium!? The surfer!?
Berkelium: Wait a second, WHAT IS THAT!?
Californium purposely surfs enough to make a wave come to Zirconium, wetting her,
Berkelium: Californian Californium!? You wet my clothes... it's agonizing! Oh, the agony!
Berkelium runs away to change her clothes, while Zirconium was just unimpressed. Now, on the Silicon Chips.

Silicon: Zirconium is gone! YES! Now, a Zirconium lookalike (Hafnium) is here!
Hafnium: Look. Just because I look like Zirconium doesn't mean you get to insult me.
Silicon: Zirconium sucked. I hope you don't suck as badly as her.
Hafnium: Okay.
Silicon: Also...
Hafnium: What?
Silicon: Do you hate Zirconium?
Hafnium: Not really... Zirconium lives in poverty, and I CARE for her!
Silicon: She used to go with Platinum to collect coins.
Platinum: Newcomer Hafnium! Want to collect coins with me?
Hafnium: Sure!
Hafnium and Platinum collected coins together, like how Zirconium did...
The End.
Now for the new teams!
Silicon Chips (!)
Technetium Radium Americium Silicon Platinum Mendelevium Hafnium, the newcomer who replaced Zirconium Molybdenum
Osmium Pens (!)
Niobium Osmium Berkelium Boron Zirconium, the newcomer who's replacing Hafnium. Cesium Hydrogen Einsteinium

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