Saturday, June 20, 2015

Tantalus - A story, by Hydrogen

Tantalus was a person who liked to dine with the International Tantalus and Niobe's. The rest of the international Tantalus and Niobe's loved Tantalus, so they invited him to dinners often.
One day, there was Tantalus. He liked to dine with the International Tantalus and Niobe's. The rest of the International Tantalus and Niobe's loved him. They invited him to dinner often. There, the trouble started.
However, the hero Tantalus did not prove worthy of all these favors and honors, since he committed several crimes and injustices against the International Tantalus and Niobe's.
However, Tantalus didn't prove worthy of all these favors. He was at the Mt. Niobium, where ambrosia was grown. He was invited as a guest to one of the rich dinners of the International Tantalus and Niobe's.
One of Tantalus's crimes was that he stole ambrosia from the Mt. Niobium, although he was invited as a guest to one of the rich dinners of the gods. Later on, he took ambrosia and nectar and took them to his friends trying to impress them.
Tantalus: Should I, or should I not?
Irish Niobe: Tantalus?
Tantalus: What is it, Irish Niobe?
Irish Niobe: Does it say that the ambrosia is free to take?
Tantalus: I'm not sure. I must check...
Tantalus takes a lot of ambrosia and nectar. Suddenly, the owner of Mt. Niobium, Tantalum, came.
Tantalum: Tantalus. Are you supposed to take that?
Tantalus: Tantalum!
Tantalum: Hey! Give that back to me!
Tantalus: Not if you catch me first!
Irish Niobe: Tantalus!!!
Tantalus runs away as fast as he could, away from Tantalum.
Tantalus: Okay, my friends, I have ambrosia and nectar!
Silver: Whoa! Did you get that from Mt. Niobium?
Gold: Um... Isn't that Irish Niobe's, Tantalus?
Tantalus: WHAT!?
Gold: Not impressed. Stealing from Irish Niobe's garden?
Tantalus runs away.
Another day, Tantalus was eating with some of the International Tantalus and Niobe's.
Tantalus also revealed some very important secrets that Jesus himself had confined in him, betraying the hospitality and trust of the International Tantalus and Niobe's. He was present in some conversations between the International Tantalus and Niobe's and overheard some divine secrets, which he told to the mortals.
Tantalus: Okay... Did you know? Jesus sleeps with a Teddy Bear every night!
British Niobe: Tantalus, are you telling Jesus's secrets?
Tantalus: He also hates the country of France. I hope French Niobe's not shocked!
French Niobe: What? Jesus hates France? Oh, dear.
Tantalus: Also, Jesus watches World War 1 movies and always cheers for the Allies, German Niobe.
German Niobe: What?
Jesus: Tantalus! Are you revealing all my secrets?
Tantalus: Oh, Niobium...
British Niobe: Tantalus told us that you slept with a Teddy Bear each night!
British Niobe laughed at Jesus.
Tantalus: Oh, dear.
Tantalus: Wait... Since this is so funny... Hey guys! Hydrogen believes in my father!
Polish Niobe: What do you mean?
Tantalus: Oh, dang it...
Jesus: Tantalus, I'm punishing you for 1 week with viola lessons! Also, Tantalus plays the viola.
Tantalus: No...
Polish Niobe: Well, only British and French Niobe play the viola.
Tantalus: Do you and German Niobe play the violin?
Polish Niobe: Yes.
Tantalus: Dang it...
Tantalus runs away... again.
Finally, Tantalus stole the favorite pet of Jesus, his golden dog. It is not absolutely certain that Tantalus himself did it, but he hid the dog for a known thief, Iodine, and then he refused to return it.
One year later...
Tantalus: I'm one year older! Oh... It's a dog! It's Jesus's dog! It's golden... Gold... I'm gonna steal it...
Tantalus steals the dog, and then gives it to Iodine.
Iodine: What? I get a dog?
Tantalus: Nothing.
Tantalus comes to his family house, to see an angry Jesus.
Tantalus: What happened?
Jesus: SOMEONE STOLE MY DOG! IT WASN'T ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: British Niobe's, English Niobe's, American Niobe's, Colombian Niobe's, Polish Niobe's, German Niobe's, French Niobe's, and Ukrainian Niobe's, Tantalus.
Iodine refused to return the dog to Jesus Christ.
Although all the above mentioned crimes were pretty insulting to the Tantalus and Niobe's, showing that Tantalus was on the wrong track, the Tantalus and Niobe's did not punish him at first, thinking that he would understand from his mistakes. Unfortunately, Tantalus did not correct himself but committed even worse crimes against them. Tantalus invited all the International Tantalus and Niobe's to a feast and dinner. But because he wanted to test their genius, he decided to do one of the most disgusting acts EVER.
Tantalus: What shall I do?
Tantalus thought of something.
Tantalus: Yes!
Tantalus killed the Original Niobe and then cooked him and then served him to the Tantalus and Niobe's.
French Niobe: I know what you've done...
Irish Niobe: Niobe's dead. Tantalus, did you cook him?
Tantalus: Niobe's delicious.
He killed the original Niobe, cooked him, roasting the pieces of his body and served him to the International Tantalus and Niobe's. However, the International Tantalus and Niobe's understood what was going on and refused to eat.
The only one who decided to eat the food provided by Tantalus was Yttrium, who ate the shoulder of Niobe.
Tantalus: How did you think?
Yttrium: I ate Niobe!!!! Tantalus!!!
Jesus: Tantalus's already committed enough crimes already.
Jesus decided to restore Niobe's life, and Yttrium gave him an arm made of ivory, to replace the shoulder she had eaten during the dinner.
This act could not go unpunished and the International Tantalus and Niobe's punished Tantalus.
French Niobe: Tantalus, you already gave us enough bad stuff.
British Niobe: You can't go unpunished knowing what you've done.
Irish Niobe: Say goodbye.
Niobe: For cooking me, Tantalus...
Jesus killed him by crushing him on a mountain. But that was not the end...
Jesus brought Tantalus to hell and put him into an orchestra with expert violists that were much better than Tantalus. Tantalus was doomed to listen to the violists for the rest of his afterlife, since he was tied up by Jesus.
Tantalus then managed to untie himself by breaking the ropes. He got out his own viola and then tortured Satan.
Satan: Tantalus! Aren't you supposed to not be playing that preposterous instrument?
Tantalus: I have my own laws! And I'm going to punish Jesus!
Satan: DO IT, THEN! I'll go with you...
Satan and Tantalus go to Jesus's house.
Jesus: Tantalus. How are you back?
Tantalus: I'm not gonna reveal that!
Satan tells random people to hang Jesus up on a cross. That's how Christianity started.
Tantalus: I will never forgive you, daddy...
Niobe: Tantalus! I thought I crushed you on a mountain!
Tantalus: Niobe, I came back to life. By doing this!
Tantalus suddenly plays a Viola, which is on fire. It's a hell Viola.
Tantalus: LET'S BURN!
Tantalus plays his hell Viola. Then, he finally composed a music piece. It was called "Fiddles on Fire."
Niobe: What is it?
Tantalus: Niobe's least favorite piece.
Niobe: I hate you.
Niobe hits Tantalus with his ivory arm.
Tantalus: Ouch.
Later on...
French Niobe: What? You play the Fire Viola?
Tantalus: Yes.
This is what happens to Tantalus in his lifetime.
Tantalus climbs on a fruit tree, but he falls into a lake.
Tantalus goes to a dinner with all the other International Tantalus and Niobe's.
Tantalus being sucked into a whirlpool.
Tantalus dies after being sucked into a whirlpool, and this is the last image...
Tantalus in Heaven, getting fruit from a heaven tree.
The End
Tantalus's still alive to this day. That part tricked you, didn't you? That last picture was just drawn by me! The heaven picture. Also, the whirlpool was actually quicksand. Yes, Tantalus sank into that thing.
Tantalus is still alive! He painted this picture of "Extreme 69."

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