Thursday, October 15, 2015


Very hilarious. Based off of Hetalia - Episode 51.
Japan: Thanks a bunch… with you and Mr. Pillow, it's only half as scary!
Italy: You don't have to watch it at all, you know…
Japan: Say that again and I'll kill you… let's watch it...
(Italy: It is rare to see Japan reduced to such insecurity… this movie must be true terror…)
Movie Narrator: Good evening. Welcome, my little lambs, through the forbidden door into Hell! I'll be your demonic guide for this evening! The horrors you are about to witness will burn your brain until damnation day! I hope you enjoy your stay!
Movie Narrator: Well then, why don't I give you your first taste of the darkness that awaits you. Do you see that rather handsome cowboy in the picture here? Your minds can't grasp the horror staring you in the face! This picture captured a portal to the other side. Do you see it? It's hard to have your picture taken when you've… been dead for a hundred years!!!
Italy: So dumb… aha…
Japan: AHH! Real life ghosts in a picture; that's freaking brutal! Make it stop!!! Please tell me he's just making it up; there's no way that's a real ghost! I'm just gonna have to pretend that didn't happen!! Rockabye baby on the tree top!! When the wind blows, the cradle will rock!!
Japan: I'm scared!! Turn it off!! Hold me!! Ghosts are scary; that was a bad idea!! Bad VCR, bad! I'm gonna pee my pants! This is so scary!!
Italy: Now, Japan… try to calm down and look at this next scene; it's not so bad…!
Japan: There's two ghosts in that one, so it's twice as scary!! Ah!!
Italy: Take the time to examine it closer! Stare deep into those pools of blue nothing.
Japan: I'm scared!
Italy: You will soon realize… there is nothing to be afraid of.
Japan: What is wrong with you?!
Japan: Oh… thank God… it's over! I almost wet my pants!
Italy: That's gross.
(Italy: Why did you watch it?)
Japan: Boy, that was scary… but I'm tough, and watched it all the way through!
(Italy: Why did you watch it?! You didn't have to watch it…! Who am I talking to?)
Japan: Guess what, Italy; I need help with this chick, Bloody Mary!
Italy: Screw you. No way!
Japan: Come on!

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